Disclaimer: You can consult the product packaging, color, transportation, inventory, etc. before purchase, we have someone to reply! Because the manufacturer will change the packaging, color, origin and other parameters of some products at any time, the reply is only valid for the questioner at the time, other users are for reference only! The working hours for the consultation reply are: Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 18:00, please be patient and wait for the staff to reply.
配制浆料:将清水倒入容器内,再按照瓷砖胶与清水配合比约为1:0.3搅拌成均匀无结块的膏糊状,静置几分钟后再搅拌-次,以增 强胶料的和易性。
铺贴施工前,用浸湿的织物清理瓷砖平行度,使用橡胶锤将瓷砖拍实铺平,建议使用塑料砖缝十字保证瓷砖的平行度。填补好基层的所有缝隙,至少48小时后进行下一步施工,如基层未能达到平整度要求,需对基层进行预先的找平处理。 储存运输
2.本品无害、按非危险品运输。 注意事项